Business Acumen

For AA05 agents, this should be your #1 priority to maximize. Did you know that if you are maximizing this aspect of your contract you are most likely maxing out scorecard, hitting Chairman’s Circle and in the running for President’s Club and MDRT?

A critical piece to how AA97 and AA05 agents maximize their opportunity. This is a monthly meeting, helping you review your individual scorecard and turn it into a game!!

Recruiting & Hiring
How many Rolex’s have you smashed over your career (a fun term for bad hires)? Learn proven strategies to help you avoid those expensive learning lessons!

Building a Bench
Ever been caught off guard by a team member leaving? Once you have a solid high performing team it’s time to start building your bench!

Taking Care of #1
Have you put off taking care of yourself? Are you dog tired at the end of the day?